Our Services

Direct Therapeutic Care

Individual occupational services: Includes a 1:1 55 minute OT session to help work on overall gross and fine motor development, emotional regulation, sensory processing, confidence buildilng and leisure play engagement.

Comprehensive occupational and physical therapy evaluations: Includes a comprehensive background history and clinical observations and assessments to evaluation overall gross and fine motor development. Sensory processing needs are evaluated utilizing a sensory questionnaire and parent and or teacher discussion.

Telehealth occupational therapy services: Includes virutal therapy that engages the child for the entire session working on overall gross and fine motor development, sensory processing needs, and parent and caregiver education to maximize goals.

Group dyad occupational and physical therapy services: Includes a group 55-minute session with one occupational therapist and 2 or more children.

Professional Development Topics

Emotional regulation programs: In this training, participants will learn how to implement various emotional and sensory regulation programs in a creative, unique manner. This training will specifically include sensory and emotional regulation strategies for parents, teachers and professionals to utilize.

Sensory processing in the classroom: Educators will learn what sensory processing is, what it looks like and how to deal with it in the classroom. Participants will learn strategies on how to incorporate sensory strategies into the daily routine to help maximize sucess of the students.

Non-medicated strategies for children with ADHD in school: In collaboration with LinkEducation Resources, in this training, participants will learn about ADHD and associated stress in the classroom and how to use non-medicated strategies to help their students/children succeed. This training will be specifically important to teachers/caregivers who regularly work with children who may have ADHD or may have undiagnosed behavioral challenges that hold similarities to a diagnosis of ADHD. We will look at authentic experiences from the trainer, as well as research from educators and ADHD specialists in the medical field. Educators will walk away with strategies and tools to take into their groups the next day.

What is OT? Red flags and how it can help: Parents or Educators will learn what Occupational Therapy (OT) is and how it is utilized in the school system and at home. It also discusses various strategies and ways to implement OT into a child’s life.

Executive functioning in the classroom: Educators will learn different strategies to create hands-on approaches to executive function skills to help children become more independent and resilient learners throughout the school day.

Executive functioning at home: Your child has many commands and demands throughout the day from school and home. In this seminar you learn how to incorporate executive functioning strategies and establish routines to help the child foster their independence with the tools and strategies that will help them function throughout the day.


Consultation/Observations: Includes school observations, telephone consultations with other providers or parents.

In-home consultations and sensory plans: Includes in-home discussion and observation with parent(s) regarding routines, transitions, at home life as well as an assessment and observation of all equipment and materials within the home that can be used as sensory strategies. In addition, observations and assessments will be completed on what physical changes can be made for overall organization and planning. Upon completion of this in home observation and discussion, typically a full write up is completed and treatment plan recommended.

Sensory success set up: Our therapists will help you set up your child's desk for virtual learning and homework completion. Increasing sensory input throughout this process can increase a child's ability to focus and maximize overall success.

Executive functioning success setup: Let us help work through your child's executiving funcitoning needs. Remembering to bring their homework back to school, organziing their desk with things that need to be completed, and setting up systems for home and school to help with organization and overall success.